
Business Operations and Improvement Level 5


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  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4304
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The equality and diversity in the business organisation plays a very crucial and vital role in business operations. The maintaining of proper equality will help organisation to handle and execute it business operations in a better way. It will also support business operations to manage the needs and demands of people from different cultural background and help learning or teaching firm to maintain a proper harmony by promoting better equality at work place and supporting the people from diverse background (Alhejji and et.al., 2018). The report will lay a significant emphasis on measure to promote equality and diversity, different strategies are been discussed to set up  classroom rules. The proper agenda and initiative will be taken in effective thought process by teaching firm. Proper professional agencies are to be handled in effective way to handle various business operations. Besides this, the effective reflection will be presented by researcher at learning and training firm.


2.1 and 2.3 Define meaning of equality and diversity in creation of safe and learning environment for the learners during teaching practices.

The teaching and learning practices are required to be followed in maximum number that will help business organisation to handle its operations in a better way. I will see through the adoption of effective measures that will help me to promote the better equality and diversity at the teaching firm. The equality is practice or the behaviour of treating everyone equally, in regard of their age, gender, languages, cultural background, religion, race, colour, class, ethnicity, beliefs and other physiological factors (van Dijk, 2017). On the other hand, Diversity is unique difference that make an individual different from another in a group of people. The better following of equality practices and promotion of supporting the diversification of people by me will help the teaching firm to develop a better handling of wide range of business operations that will help the company to handle different learning measures and creation of a safe environment.

The incorporation of different equality measure like common classrooms, implementation of no discrimination policy, celebrating and accepting differences, creating a positive perception about each other in class room. I have also taken proper care of mitigating differences and inequalities, promoting interpersonal understanding and transparency among students or learners and preventing the development of any sort of stereotyping that can harm the people in physical, mental or psychological way. Besides this, developing the group of people with cultural mix and promoting the proper socio cultural integration has also helped me to catalyse the development of safe and supportive learning environment for the people of diverse cultural background.

Other than this, I have also established a set of rules and regulations in class rooms to avoid and stop any sort of differences or discrimination. Besides this, it has also helped me to develop better learning practices and measures that will help the learners or students to improve their knowledge and skill sets in a safe and sustainable environment (Ng and Rumens, 2017). Also, I have taken proper measures to increase the opportunities of progression and reduce the language or understanding based differences at the classroom. I will also help the students with the physical disability to get extra support and care along with equal and fair chance to showcase their skill set and knowledge. The following of different legal obligations and policy measures will help me to have a better handling of the learning process for the group of people from diverse background.

Besides this, I will look after better knowledge transmission process and delivering of information at workplace, and will keep a regular check at workplace to identify any sort of symptom related to discrimination and differences. Other than this, the recruiting of trained and qualified staff and work force at learning centre and managing conflicts and depression among the learners will be key target measure to create and develop a secure and stress free, learning environment. This will also help in promoting better self help and referral practice for student, reduces the chances of illness and promoter the better negotiation and management strategies that will be followed by me and other staff at learning centre. It will also help in better handling of various directional and dissemination efforts that are been taken in consideration by the firm.  This will help the cited teaching firm to meet the needs and demands of learning organisation. This process will support learning firm in effectively meeting the needs and demands of their stake holders, learners and clients. The safe and supportive environment will help in better development of quick learning processes and motivate the students to work effectively. Besides this, it will pave the path of implementation of better information system at learning centre.

2.2 identify 5 strategies and actions used to promote equality and diversity.

Various strategies and actions are been taken in considerations by me to promote the better strategies and actions to promote a good equality and diversity. As the class room may consists of the learners from various culturally diverse learners, better implementation measures are been taken in consideration by the firm that will help the business firm to handle a wide range of business operations (Mertkan and et.al., 2017). These strategies and actions will help learning in a better way. These strategies will help the organisation to develop better and innovative measures to promote a good and useful learning process. Some major strategies and actions that are been taken in consideration are as follows:

  • Breaking the ice: this action will involve implementation of better communication processes and measures that will lay a very deep and significant impact on the overall learning process by facilitating the effective communication among the people of diverse groups. This approach will help in developing better interaction and interpersonal understanding. The growth in understanding will help business organisation to have a better group dynamics and share socio cultural value that will help the firm to improve its effectiveness.
  • Promoting the motivational approaches: The learning firm will look after the better promotion and motivation of learner's from diversified backgrounds, at classrooms. It can be intrinsic or extrinsic, depending on situation and will help learners to get encourage for acquiring better skill sets and knowledge (HaffordLetchfield and et. al., 2018). It will help the firm to promote its learners and help them to showcase their skills and knowledge on a wider level. It will also help in better group formation and setting up the guidelines and encouraging people to work in a more effective and significant manner.
  • Rising in awareness: effective strategy to promote the better cultural understanding and eradication of any sort of differences on the basis of socio cultural or other factors. It leads to the better sharing of values and setting up of better guidelines and strategies to prevent the socio economic differences. Besides this, it will help the learning and teaching firm to develop a better and innovative learning practices that will help the firm to cater needs and demands of learners or students of different cultural background.
  • Development of individual roles and responsibilities: the learning firm will see through the better handling of wide variety of business operations that will involve better development of role s and responsibilities of an individual. A better allocation of roles and duties will help in development of better learning and implementation of educational measures, that will help the firm to gain a better sustainability and prevent any sort of discrimination (Williams, 2017). It will help in eradicating the differences and conflicts and develop a good grouping of learners with similar requirements.
  • Sharing of social and cultural experiences: the interaction of people with diverse cultural backgrounds will help the firm to help the organisation to handle its business operations in a better way. It involves the better description and interaction of details and beliefs of people and their cultures and beliefs. This practice will help the learning and teaching firm to handle a wide range of conflicts and negative perception and eradicate them in a much better way. This will also help in developing a better understanding about diverse culture and beliefs and develop a mutual respect.
  • Promotion of personal values: the learning firm will also look after the promotion of the personal values and beliefs that are been possessed by an individual to gain a better idea about others (Huffman, King and Reichelt, 2017). It will help an individual with diverse background and beliefs will showcase his skills and knowledge in a better way.


3.1 A) Ten Point rules to communicate and promote equality and diversity.

The various rules and regulations will be taken in consideration by the organisation that will help the firm to promote the better equality and diversity. This rules will help the firm to handle the students and learners with diverse cultural background and beliefs and help them to gain a better knowledge and skill set. That will help the firm to handle a wide range of learning methods in a better way (Mik-Meyer, 2017). It will involve the effective measures to develop a better communication and develop a better perspective and empowering them to perform in more effective and better way. Also, it will help the firm to eradicate the language barrier and help in developing of better interpersonal understanding. Some rules and regulations that are been taken in consideration are as follows:

  • Using of proper verbal and non verbal communication methods in classroom.
  • Having an appropriate tone while communicating with each other.
  • Having a non judgemental and positive perception towards each other to have better communication skills.
  • Respecting the contributions and beliefs of everybody and valuing their perspective in a better way.
  • Usage or appropriate transactional analysis measures to equally assess everyone in class and empower them by improving their knowledge and skill sets (Richard and et.al., 2017).
  • Developing of proper learning strategy with relevance to students knowledge and skills along with socio cultural requirements.
  • Preventing any sort of conflict and cultural issue based on language, beliefs and other factors.
  • Developing of better communication skills catalyse the development of better language skills and interaction level.
  • Following the appropriate behaviour that supports organisation and equality at the learning firm.
  • Motivating the fulfilment of needs and demands of a student or learner in a better way.

B) a.1) Schools program to enhance schools programme of initiatives in promoting Equality and diversity.

            As the Equality and diversity coordinator at my school, I will take in consideration a wide range and variety of actions or measure to promote and facilitate the effective promotion of equality and diversity in the organisation. The will also help in the better developing of strategies that will help in effective rise in equality and diversification in a school. As a coordinator, I will see through the effective implementation of wide range of business operations that will help in effective rise in the acceptance and assimilation of people from different cultural group at  school, for learning process (Ali and et.al., 2017). Besides this, I will adopt proper resourcing and assessment strategies that will help in better gaining and implementation of gained knowledge and skill set. This will not only help the students to get a good confidence level but also provide them with a better insight to showcase their learnings at schools in a better way. Other than this, I will also promote and implement the inclusive learning practices that will help in involving the students with different cultural group in the learning and knowledge gaining process for all the students at school, regardless to their cultural, social or interpersonal differences.

            Besides this, I will also promote better learning and working practices for the learners to function in a group as a team. These team building approach will help in better handling of the operations and lead to the development of good interpersonal interaction or communication to develop effective understanding and allocation of roles and responsibilities to members in a team or group of students. This measure or approach will help in better handling of learning functions and gain an effective knowledge and skills set. Besides this, as a person on authority, I will look after the different issues like socio cultural differences, bullying, communication gap and language barrier and will take effective steps to eradicate them in order to empower and support the learners with diverse background. I will look after the proper establishing and providing of opportunities that will help in better handling of the group of people with diversified background and share their knowledge and beliefs to develop a better understanding of their culture and avoid any sort of conflict at school. As a coordinator, I will give out my services in the practices like INSET(In service training).

a.2 Identify 3 professional or agencies and how working with them to promote equality and diversity.

As a coordinator, I will be interacting with different agencies and professionals to help in  better promotion of wide range of learning processes. It will help the school, to negotiate with the different specialised agencies that will help in better handling of learning processes of students with diversified background (Fujimoto and EJ Härtel, 2017). This will also involve the utilization of unified approaches and support students to control the number of people they are working with. It also helps the school for proper sectioning of students with different cultural background. Some major agencies that are been contacted by the coordinator will be as follows:

  • Equality and Human rights commission (EHRC) : It is a UK based firm that is a statutory functioning body working under Equality Act 2006. As the coordinator, I will work with the organisation to promote the better equality and diversity in learning firm. This will help me to prevent any sort of discrimination and conflict at school and promote better relationship and promotion of universal human rights. This agency will help me to promote and practice the community rights as per the law on the basis of gender, religion, culture, race, nationality and sexual orientation. It also helps me to establish suitable measures at school to promote the equality measure.
  • Equality and diversity forum (EDF): As an equality and diversity coordinator, many times I have to face the conflicts related to equality and diversity concerns and in these case, these organisations will help me to promote the better handling of issues and having their suitable rectification. This will help in developing the suitable social harmony in school and help me to have a suitable control over the conflicts, that will occur in the school over the equality and diversity concern among people or students.
  • Operation black vote (OBV): this is the agency that will help me to gain a proper control over the different operations related to citizens or students from African and Asian countries. This will help them to gain a better position and opportunities to thrive in European continent (Shan, Fu and Zheng, 2017). Besides this, it will help me to control and manage any sort of discrimination against them.

Other than this, I will also interact with various community and cultural groups and the specialists or experts of equality and diversity in society to implement proper measures at school.


4.1 identify practical steps that a school can take to promote and ensure a culture of Equality and Diversity in society.

Various sort of actions or measures will be taken in the consideration that will help in the better handling of the different measures that will help the organisation to promote better equality and diversity at school or learning institution. These measures will help in the better growth and development of high class operations to mitigate any sort of conflict and manage it in  an educational firm. Some measures that are been taken in consideration are as follows:

  • Limiting the anti equality activities: various steps will be taken in the effective consideration that will involve the better handling of different measures like limiting the hard language, discrimination, bullying, intimidation, harassment and confrontation. This will help in maintaining the goodwill and harmony in society and will help the business organisation to handle the effective learning.
  • Avoiding of disruptive behaviour: the organisation will look after the effective measure to control the disruptive and rude behaviour or the students or the staff due to frustration and peer pressure or religious and cultural tension on the interpersonal level (Fältholm and Norberg, 2017). The development of better understanding and implementation of wide range of business operations will help the business firm to meet the operational and behavioural requirements of an individual in a firm.
  • Eradication of social inequality: the proper removal methods will be taken in practice that will involve the development of proper self confidence, working with proper community groups, developing of high confidence level and giving out the proper opportunities to the deprived and the people with diversified culture, in order to maintain the equality and harmony in society. Besides this, it will also help in development of different measure to fulfil the expectations of people.
  • Setting up of better system: this will involve the proper rectification of the problem faced by students to increase their flexibility and adaptability to social terms. It will help in the better engaging of students of various cultural background. Besides this, it helps in better handling of strategies and effective allocation of roles and responsibilities on the basis of shared experiences.


5.1 Identify at least five key things you did in your teaching practice that promoted Equality and valued Diversity in your school

Various measures are been taken by me to promote the better handling of the different measures that will help to promote the equality and diversity at the school. This has helped me to reduce the conflicts and discriminations and meet the needs and demand of the people with diversified cultural background (Ali and et.al., 2017). Besides this, it has helped me in better handling of operations of educational firms and lead to effective student engagement. Other than this it will also help the school or educational institution to meet the operational demands of students in a better way. Some major steps that are been taken in the effective consideration are:

  • Establishing of equality law: this will help in legalising the ethical behaviour in school and will help in the better handling of the various measures that will help in effective rise in confidence level of the students of the various cultural background and meet the operational requirements of educational institution. This will also help in developing of the better harmony and interpersonal relationship that will support the effective rise and development of firm.
  • Eradication of differences: this will help in the effective handling of the different measures that will help in better rise in operational capacity of an organisation. This will help in dispute resolution and meet the organisational functionality. Besides this the better growth of the interpersonal understanding and the rise in the operational capacity of the firm will help in the better rise in functional calibre of the educational institution (Ward and Forker, 2017). Besides this, it will help the firm to provide equal quality of educational resources and training to all the students, regardless to their cultural differences.
  • Proper sharing of information and experiences: the teacher will look after the proper sharing of vital information like cultural beliefs and experiences to improve the knowledge of students.
  • Strict action on social discrimination: under the equality act 2006, the person will be punished if found practising the discrimination at school or educational institution.
  • Developing better activities of student engagement and skill and knowledge development by educational firm.

5.2 Identify and explain at least two things you could have done enhanced your school’s culture of promoting Equality and valuing Diversity

Different sort of measures would be taken in consideration that will help in the effective rise in the operational capacity of the organisation and promoting the equality and diversity and equality in better way. The two measures that could have been taken by me to promote better  equality and diversity in the educational firm are as follows:

  • Imparting of proper training: the imparting or delivering of the proper training will help in the better handling of operations and developing a good understanding of the interpersonal level between the students. Other than this it will also help in the effective rise in the operational capacity of the wide range of business operations (UNDERSTANDING EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE, 2015). Other tan this it will also help the individual to gain the better handling of the different operations that will help in the effective rise in operational capacity of educational organisation.
  • Developing better policy to eradicate the inequality: the development of the good policy would have lead to the effective rise in the operational capacity of the firm and will help in meeting the operational capacity that will help in the significant rise in operational capacity. The better handling of policy at educational institution would have helped in keeping the check on any sort of indifferences and discrimination that is been practised by an individual student at the educational institution.

5.3 Brief report on the impact you believe you made on your school’s Equality and Diversity agenda

The various and effective measure that are been taken by me as the Equality and Diversity coordinator in the firm ahas helped in the better rise in the operational capacity of the organisation and will help in better management of wide range of anti discriminatory activities at  school. This has helped in better eradication of social indifferences and promoting better equality and diversity in firm.


This it can be concluded that the proper measures of Equality and Diversity are important for growth and development of the firm. The report has laid a significant emphasis on measure to promote equality and diversity, different strategies are been discussed to set up classroom rules. The proper agenda and initiative is taken in effective thought process by teaching firm. Proper professional agencies are to be handled in effective way to handle various business operations. Besides this, the effective reflection is been presented by researcher at learning and trai

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